Neue Formen von Zeitspenden. Chancen und Herausforderungen des Micro-Volunteerings. Literaturbericht
Jochum, Véronique; Paylor, Jonathan, 2013:
New ways of giving time: opportunities and challenges in micro-volunteering. A literature review.
Institute for Volunteering Research | ncvo
Zum Inhalt: Definitions | Perceptions of micro-volunteering: a solution to a problem? | Existing research on micro-volunteering | Evidence on other volunteering trends that can help us understand micro-volunteering | Online volunteering and other forms of online engagement | Conclusions and next steps
EDOC:◄ — pdf 275 KB
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WEITERE INFORMATIONEN: New ways of giving time: opportunities and challenges in micro-volunteering.◄ Projektbeschreibung
-jor. | aktualisiert 20.11.2013
Stichworte: DOK, Micro-Volunteering, Online-Volunteering, Zeitspende